Race timing in Eastern Wisconsin and beyond
How far will you travel?
As far as you need us to. We do not have a maximum distance, but if the distance is more than 50 miles from us, we will add a nominal mileage charge to cover the travel expenses. If the distance would require an overnight stay on our part, we would also add that expense or ask that accommodations be provided.
Is there a minimum event size you will time?
Most events we time have between 50 - 200 registered participants and some are over 1000. But, there is no lower limit on how many we will show up for. If you want us to time a race between 2 people, we'll be there!
What kind of races will you time?
Nearly any type of running or bicycling event can be timed with our equipment. We are open to timing other types of events as well if the technology makes sense. If you're not sure, let us know what you are doing and we can look into it.
What technology do you use?
For manually timed events, we have a computer based timing software that allows us to capture participant times and finish sequence separately and then merge the data in the computer. This allows us to get very accurate results for a wide variety of events and provide detailed reports in hard copy or online immediately after the event or even during the event in some cases.
For chip timed events we use UHF RFID tags and have a variety of antenna configurations to capture the times. The balance of the software is the same allowing for results to be available as you need them.
Do you have the ability to provide real time results online?
Yes! The results can be posted online throughout the event. There is small lag from a finisher crossing the finish to the results being available online.
Can you provide number bibs or packet preparation?
Absolutely. This is a service we can easily provide for a small fee.
Can you help with our registration process?
We can help with either an online or paper based registration process. If you're not sure which way to go, consider that online registration gives some great benefits. If setup correctly, the online process can import directly into our software which can reduce many common errors involved with race timing. Providing the online option also can bring in more runners and bring them in sooner since it is typically faster and easier to complete the registration process. In both cases, you end up with a better event that generates more dollars.
When do you arrive on race day?
Two hours before the start is normal. Depending on the event, we may arrive sooner or just a bit later. We will use this time to get our equipment setup, make sure the finish line and finish chute are ready, and help with registrations and packet pickup. We want the day to go as smooth as you do.